
The Way This Artist Made His Sculptures Will Blow Your Mind Away


Paper is something every artist needs to use for their work, because they use the paper as their canvas. But here we are talking about an artist who used paper in a completely different, unique and totally mind blowing way to make sculptures. We are talking about Beijing-based artist Li Hongbo, who has used paper in a layering technique, where he layers thousands of sheets of paper and carves them into busts, replicas of nature and human forms. Many

This Photographer Will Leave You In A Hair Raising Anxious Anticipation

2022-05-17T08:03:00+00:00OMG, Photography|

Photographer Aaron Tilley, from London is a still life photographer, whose graphic and conceptual style has attracted a lot of British and International clients. He has worked some of the very well know high-end brands like GQ, Elle, The Gourmand Journal, Kinfolk, The Guardian, Vogue Italia, Bally, Adidas and Google. Here are some of his hair-raising captures that show a stressful reaction on everyday situations in a fun and impish way. An Ink Pen Dangling over a spotless white

Tips & Tricks For iPhone Photography

2022-05-17T08:03:21+00:00Apps & Software, Hardware & Devices|

In a world where DSLRs and EVILs and point and shoots are very common, there is no shortage of choice when it comes to selecting a good camera. However, imagine lugging around a DSLR around your neck every day. It will surely tire you down. Hence, a DSLR is only useful for taking planned pictures. But ever so often, it happens that the photographer inside you comes to life and you are treated with an amazing

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