A Girl transforms her regular van into something cozy!


Chris of Defying Normal somehow found time to work on her passion project — transforming an old white van into a cozy camper, in the midst of a condo renovation, a move, a job, and caring for her dad who has dementia. She designed the whole project, and with some guidance from her boyfriend's uncle, helping hands from her boyfriend and getting tools from her father and uncle she was able to get the whole van ready for

You Will Be Surprised To see What This Man Turned His Classic Mac Computer Into

2022-05-17T08:03:09+00:00DIY, Home & Garden, Science|

Via Imgur A man bought a few classic Mac, a decade ago with a thought of doing something with it some day in future.  But he never ended up doing something with it until one day, he decided to do something different. You will be surprised to see what he is using those Macintosh Plus for! 1. He removed the front panel of the mac with a T-15 screw driver. 2. He found the signatures of all

10 Effective DIY Homemade acne masks


A lot of people, teens or adults suffer from acne, some for just few a few days in a year but there are a lot who suffer from acne throughout their teenage or adulthood. People spend lot of money on medicines and prescriptions to treat that. But thankfully we have a lot of homemade natural remedies to treat acne and reduce the scars from pimples and get rid of blemishes. I will be sharing some of

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